What are the requirements to being in UT?
I'm not an actor, can I still be in UT? I'm not a Theatre major or minor, can I still be in UT? How do I get on the email list?
The only requirement to being in UT is being a student at West Chester University! Just come by, or send us an email saying you want to be on the email list at wcutheatre@gmail.com!
How do I get involved in shows?
I'm not an actor, can I still help out? How do I audition?
We do our auditions one or two times a semester. We'll email you when auditions are, and sign ups will be in the emails, and on the instagram! If there are any certain requirements for an upcoming audition, all directions can be found in the emails. If you have any other questions, find any council member around E.O. Bull.
If you're not an actor, or you're looking to do things behind the scenes, email Christen at CMandracchia@wcupa.edu, our Production Manager and ask if she needs any spots filled for the semester. We also have Practicum meetings at the beginning of the semester where we get assigned our production positions for the semester, based off our interests and experience!
How do I become an active UT Member?
What is an active UT member? Why do I want to be an active UT member?
Active Membership for UT is defined as coming to at least half of the UT meetings in a semester. If you are an active member, you get to hear about new theatre opportunities in both the department and around the campus! You will also get the chance to involve yourself in any of our student led productions, like the Aids Benefit or our showcases.
Why are meetings so late?
Have you tried having meetings at different times? I would want to go to the meetings, but they don't work for my schedule...
Meetings are at 10pm on Monday nights because Monday is at the start of the week, and we hope that people are at least a little well-rested from the weekend. We have them at 10pm because our rehearsals are 6-10pm every weekday. So, we have them after so that the people at the rehearsals can come right to UT. We don't have them before that because we want those of us who go to rehearsals to have time to eat and do homework before their rehearsals. A lot of us also set aside our MWF 12-1pm hour (or Practicum Hour) for the production meetings for the show we're a part of.
We've tried having our meetings during the practicum hour, on Sundays, and a few other times, but those efforts were fruitless, and we got the most people to come to the 10pm meeting time. This is a time that may be hard for some, but works for us.
I want to do something on my own- how?
How do I request my own space? I want to announce something at UT because I need actors for a project.
A lot of members of UT have put together different projects on their own! We try to support each other in UT as much as possible. Start with an idea, and you can always come to UT and make an announcement during the Open Forum part of the meeting, tell us a little about your project, and some people will be interested.
To get a space to work in is a little different. You'll have to email Christen about requesting a space. Let her know what you want to do, and which space- Large Acting, Small Acting, JP Adler Studio Theater, Mainstage, and Design Lab- and when.
I have receipts for things I want to be reimbursed for- what do I do?
Give them to the treasurer!